The summer fete is held in late June or early July of the summer term. There are games, activities, crafts, retail, food and refreshment stalls and much more. It’s the PA’s biggest community event and continues to be a success thanks to the many many volunteers that get involved.
Volunteer – To put on such a great community event, we need everyone’s help and support. Please do lend a hand if you can, its brilliant fun! To get involved tell your class rep, sign up here or drop us a line. In addition to Friday and Saturday set-ups and clear downs, there are two shifts during the fete, 11:30-13:00 or 13:00-15:30. Feel free to express a preference.
Pledge a Dish – The International Food Stall is always a great success, thanks to generous donations from you all. Once again this year we ask that you Pledge a Dish. Please let our Volunteer Co-ordinator know ( as soon as possible what dish you plan to prepare/donate on the day. Main dishes, salads and cakes!
Donations for sale – If you are doing any “Spring Cleaning” please think about any items that could be donated to any of the stalls: second hand toys, clothes, books, DVDs and Bric-a-Brac. You can drop these at school starting late June, but please wait for the notice from school. We aim to get toys in good condition (something you would buy) for all ages, bikes, baby walkers, dolls, cars, etc. If you have games to donate please make sure there aren’t any missing pieces. Small figures are welcome as the kids are very keen on spending their pocket money on those small items.
Children’s Tombola – Many of you grabbed a stripy bag from one of us – We’d be grateful if you could fill these half full with party bag goodies. Maybe some sweets (but no chocolates), pens, pencils, crayons, jewellery or little toys, whatever you think will delight the children! Please leave your donations at the school office.
Photo booth – if you have any items such as hats, wigs, fancy dress or accessories that can be donated to the photo booth, please mark them in bags.
We always have a poster, which we would like as many as possible to share, tweet or like on the PA Facebook page on
Thank you all for your continued enthusiasm, involvement and support!