The PA BBQ & Auction is usually held on a Friday evening in May. This event is fun for the whole family and it’s our largest school fundraiser of the year! Come and enjoy delicious vegetarian and meat BBQ, refreshing drinks, treat stalls and children’s entertainment. Support our school by buying raffle tickets and bidding on silent auction items and the exciting live auction of “promise lots.” In 2018, our generous school community offered an Eritrean supper club for up to 10 guests, a week’s holiday in a West Cork retreat, ice skating lessons, weekend breakfast & babysitting, London museum tours, architecture consultations and attendance at Prime Ministers Questions. Part of the auction was called by Irish footballer Liam Brady and children were entertained with street dance and football workshops. Each year the PA needs promises, prizes, volunteers & bidders… what can you offer to help?
To volunteer a promise for the auction, please contact us
To donate a raffle prize for kids or adults, please contact us
To volunteer on the evening, please sign up here