St Joan of Arc School Parents Association

January PA Meeting

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year! Please join us for the first PA meeting of the 2022. We will review the fundraising outcomes for the initiatives before Christmas, the SJA Quiz Night preparations and the calendar for the rest of the academic year.

We have welcomed Cina, a Nursery parent, to the PA Committee as Vice-chair, but we are still missing a volunteer for the very important Secretary role. We could also use another Vice-Chair! You can find the role descriptions in our page. If you are thinking about it but have any doubts please email us at

We also would like to point out that we are also missing people in some key volunteering positions, namely a Volunteer Coordinator and parents willing to lead the Online Auction and the Summer Fete. The Online Auction is a very big fundraiser for the school and right now it is at risk of being cancelled unless someone steps forward.

If you are considering signing up but are concerned that it may be too much work, please do not worry, we are building a strong team of volunteers to share the workload. If your worry is that you won’t know what to do, be assured that the PA Committee will guide and support you throughout. Signing up for a sub-committee is a fantastic opportunity to make your mark on your favourite PA event and make lots of money to improve the school. Visit the page to view the available roles.

Find more about the PA:
PA informational booklet
PA 2021-22 calendar

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