The Summer Fête is back (Saturday July 2nd, 12pm-4pm) and we need everyone’s help to make it a great success!
First of all, we need (virtually) every family to volunteer at least for one shift, two if you can. Please see the available spots and sign up here:
UPDATE: A tremendous thank you to all who have signed up so far! Unfortunately, we are still missing too many volunteers for the second and third shifts, which means some stalls may have to stop mid-fair. Please sign up if you can! Your children can help you as well and it will be a fun experience for all!
In addition, we are still urgently seeking a BBQ lead and unless someone comes forward by next Monday 13/6, we will unfortunately have to cancel the BBQ stall at the Fête. This would be a shame as it is the second biggest earner and many people rely on it for their lunch at the Fête! The BBQ lead is not an overwhelming amount of work, and the previous lead will support you throughout. UPDATE: A huge thank you to Chris, Richard O. and Richard D. for signing up as BBQ leads! We are now seeking two volunteers to do the cash and carry shop on Thursday or Friday. Please email if you can help. UPDATE: Another huge thank you to Jana and her husband who have done the whole cash and carry shop by themselves!
Here are other ways you can contribute:
- Donations in good condition for the jumble sales (all items to be brought to the school office from 27/6):
- Toys, dressing up, complete games
- Scooters, bikes, baby equipment
- Books, CDs, DVDs (no VHS please)
- Accessories and jewelry (no clothes please)
- Bric-a-brac and plants
- Carrier bags
- Bottles for the bottle tombolas: wine, prosecco, spirits, liqueurs, beer, etc. and non-alcoholic bottles: soft drinks, juices, cordial, etc.
- Kids tombola: pick up a stripy bag or two from the school office or the PA table (when we are there) and fill it with party-favor-type toys that you have lying around at home (no chocolate or sweets please).
- Craft materials for the upcycled crafts stall: Yarn/wool
Fabric/fabric cuts offs
Leather/ faux leather cuts
Medium/heavy Card
Foam board
Old badges
Pom poms
Goggly eyes
Pipe cleaners
Deadline: EOP Thursday 30 June
Where: Box for donations outside the school office. Donate a big ticket raffle prize: theatre tickets, electronics, a stay at a second home that you rent out… please email by 13/6UPDATE: A huge thank you to the Mattila Family for donating our third prize, and to Waitrose for donating our first and second prizes for the grand raffle, plus the first prize for the kids raffle!- Ask local businesses to hang a Summer Fête poster (posters available from the school office)
- Sell raffle tickets to family, friends and neighbours (tickets available from the school office or the PA table, when we are there). More info on the raffle here:
Lastly, on the day you can contribute by:
- Making sure you come to the Fête! Parents with children in Years 1 to 4, in particular, please mark your calendars as your children are scheduled to take part in a performance at the Fête and it would be a shame if they have to miss it.
- Signing your children up to SJA’s first Cake Competition!
The entry fee is £1Entry is free and the winners will be announced and receive their prize at the Fête. More details closer to the date. - Donating international food and cakes to the food stalls.
- Helping tidy up at the end of the event! If everyone lends a hand, it will only take a few minutes.
- Bring your own cup and plenty of cash!
The Fête programme is now available here.