Welcome to Class L and K

This year our team consists of class teachers Ms Vassallo, Mrs Gyles and Mr Fuiava and teaching assistants Mrs Bowden and Ms O’Donovan. We will learn a host interesting and creative subjects this year, allowing for the pupils to explore each topic through cross curricular links and innovative approaches. We encourage independent pupil led learning, preparing them for upper key stage two and beyond. The children will also benefit from the expertise of our Year 6 teachers once a week for science and grammar lessons.

A few helpful reminders:

Reading: Children should read for at least 20 minutes each night. Please ensure their reading record is signed by an adult each day. Children should be taking home two books from school – a banded book from our Oxford series as well as a free choice from the class library.

Homework: Set on Friday afternoon and due the following Friday. Homework will include spellings and maths.

PE Days: PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on these days.

Parents’ evening: Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th October. Please ensure that children bring fruit and a water bottle each day.

Useful Learning Links

We encourage you to explore the following learning platforms and resources that will support your child’s learning at home:


Thank you for your ongoing support this year. We look forward to working with you all.