Welcome to Class 3G and 3H
The Year 3 teachers are Ms. O’Connor, Ms. King, and Ms.Tibbs. We are looking forward to a great year ahead! In Year Three, we will explore exciting new topics, gain new knowledge, get creative, and display our school values in all that we do. We will work hard, build on increased ownership of our learning, and support each other.
A few helpful reminders:
Reading: Children must read each night and their reading record should be signed and a comment recorded by an adult each day. Reading for Pleasure books can be borrowed for a few days. Children are welcome to write a short comment themselves and then a parent/carer can initial it.
Homework: Multiplication Log Books are to be completed daily and be in school to be checked. The children are given their maths and spelling homework on a Friday which are due in on the following Friday. We will go through the maths homework with the children each week in class and there will be a spelling test to see how well the children are learning their words.
PE Days:Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday so children will need to come into school in their PE kits.
Additional Information: Please ensure that your child brings a water bottle to school every day, especially when the weather is hot.
Useful Learning Links
We encourage you to explore the following learning platforms and resources that will support your child’s learning at home.