Welcome to Class 2E and 2F
Ms Kelly and Ms Rowley are delighted to welcome you to Year 2 and look forward to an exciting year ahead. The children will develop more independence, learn lots of new information and skills, as well as having lots of fun along the way! We look forward to working collaboratively with the Year 2 families and can’t wait to begin our Year 2 journey together.
A few helpful reminders:
Reading: Children should read for at least 15 minutes each night and a short comment should be recorded in their reading record every day.
Homework: The children are given their maths and spelling homework every Friday and it is due in the following Friday. Each week we will go through their maths homework and hold a short spelling test. Please support your child in ensuring the activities are completes, spellings are practised and their homework books are in school every week.
PE Days: Our PE days are Monday and Thursday so children will need to come into school in their PE kits.
Additional Information: If you wish to communicate any information to the class teachers, please use the reading records to inform us (i.e. changes to end of school collection). Also, please ensure your child has a water bottle in school every day and all clothing items are labelled.
Useful Learning Links
We encourage you to explore the following learning platforms and resources that will support your child’s learning at home: