Regular communication and consultation with parents and caregivers is important to us.
This Forum is a valuable way to share information, views and suggestions for improvement. All families are represented on the Forum by their class reps.
- To provide a forum to share information and views on general school related topics
- To widen communication between school staff, Governors and families
- To provide an opportunity for all parents/caregivers to have equal voice through using the structure of class representatives
About the meetings
Forum meetings take place once a term and will be led by school staff and Governors.
Each year group will be represented by one class rep.
Meeting dates for 2024/25 are:
- Thursday 21 November, 8.40am
- Thursday 13 March, 8.40am
- Thursday 3 July, 8.40am
How can I raise an issue?
Everyone can raise an issue by contacting their class rep. A request for agenda items will be sent out 2 weeks in advance of each meeting and parents/caregivers have that time to make suggestions for topics to be included. You can do this by completing the form below or via your class rep / WhatsApp group.
How do I find out what was discussed?
A summary of each discussion will be included in the school newsletter. Copies of the minutes are available using the link below or from the school office. You will also be able to ask your class rep to let you know what was discussed.
Parents Forum 21 November 2024_Minutes
Parents Forum 4 July 2024_Minutes
Parents Forum 14 March 2024_Minutes
Parents Forum 23 November 2023_Minutes
Parents Forum 15 June 2023_Minutes
Please note: this Forum is suitable for general school related topics only and not specific issues relating to an individual child or staff member.
Raise an issue
Simply fill in our form with your suggestion, and it will be considered for discussion at the next forum.