Year 3’s visit to the Hive

Yr 3 Trip to the Hive
In the morning, we went into the forest and past a river and in groups we made shelters. After we made the shelters, we showed our buildings that we made and we talked about it. Next, we had lunch and when we had finished, we looked at the insects. In the classroom we were in for the day, there were lots of insects such as a millipede, stick insects, Madagascan Hissing Cockroaches and African Giant Snails.
In the afternoon, we made art that the stone age people would have done. We used lots of different media like charcoal, chalk and rock chalk. We then we drew hand prints with different colours, people and animals and things they’d draw on the walls of caves.
Finally, we used a fire tool and set fire to cotton. It was hard but we managed to do it. On the way back to school we travelled by coach. It took one hour to get back.
By Edith, Brian T and Esther