
PE across the whole school

Physical Education is often a firm favourite with many of the children at SJA! Over the past few weeks, it has been wonderful to see the children engage in a wide range of physical activities.


In the early years, they have been learning to ‘Squiggle while you Wiggle’ which helps develop their gross motor skills along with an array of activities in their continuous provision which supports their physical development i.e. balance beams, bikes, stepping stones and hoops.

The children in years 1 and 3 have been enjoying gymnastics over the last few weeks and were very excited to be using all the equipment in the hall. They have been focusing on jumping off equipment safely, travelling, balancing, following sequences and in Y3 they’ve been perfecting the teddy bear roll!

In Year 2, I was very fortunate to witness their incredible dance moves! I was impressed with their ability to follow a sequence and stay on time, and it was lovely to see them perform their dance to their parents at their Y2 special assembly last week.

In phase 3, they have been developing their game skills. I witnessed a range of netball, tag rugby and hockey over the last couple of weeks. It was nice to hear two Y5 children state “we’ve never played hockey before, so we love that we’re learning new skills!”

I think what stood out most from the PE learning walk, is just how much children love their PE lessons! Many, many children commented that they would love to do more PE and that physically moving helped with their concentration in class, along with their own mental wellbeing.

It was wonderful to see the progression through the school. From fine and gross motor development in EYFS to skilled games being taught and played in Y6. I can’t wait to see the PE that takes place next half term 🙂