
Sports day

Last Thursday, we made the annual trip to Finsbury Park to participate in Sports day. The children had a wonderful day filled with a range of races including, skipping, egg and spoon and a personal favourite of many, the space hoppers! All children were extremely well behaved, supportive of their peers and displayed excellent sportsmanship.

Special thanks to all who participated in the Y6 vs. Teachers race. Year 6, you were almighty competitors but the teachers have upheld their winning title.

Well done and thank you to all the parents that participated in the parents race, it was great to see your teamwork and athleticism shine through! The children loved watching and supporting you all.

Finally, to conclude a fun filled day, the children were awarded a medal and the trophies were presented to the winning houses. Well done to the Domremy house, an overriding success for you in Years 1-6 and congratulations to the Rouen teams in Nursery and Reception.